Commemorating 50 Years of Title IX

June 23, 2022 — Today marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX, a landmark legislation that protects students from discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity. When Title IX was passed in 1972, it encompassed a less inclusive view of gender, gender identity, and gender expression than what we understand today. For the dream of Title IX to be effectively realized now and into the future, much work needs to be done to increase access, education, and inclusivity for all students. 

Sexism is a weapon of homophobia and transphobia, with the common enemies being rigid views of gender and the inequalities that result from that thinking. It is critical that we strive for policies that both address gender inequality and are inclusive to all LGBTQI+ students. This is especially important given the onslaught of legislative attacks targeting the LGBTQI+ community and transgender girls in particular. It is critical to underscore that Title IX protects all LGBTQI+ students, including gender diverse youth. We are strongest as a global sport community when we ensure all young people are welcome and included.

“Sport is a privilege to which only a select number of young people have access,” said Dr. Anna Baeth, Athlete Ally’s Director of Research. “Historically, girls – and especially girls of color, girls in rural and urban communities in the United States, and transgender girls – have been marginalized in sport, if not excluded altogether. As we reflect on the last 50 years of Title IX, we must ask ourselves: Who has not yet had the opportunity to be included in and inspired by sport? And what would the world look like if they did? Creating access to safe and supportive sport spaces for young people of all identities – that would be a true celebration of Title IX.”  

To learn more about Title IX and the specific ways you can take action to continue the progress made by Title IX, please see the groundbreaking reports by the the Women’s Sports Foundation and the National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education (NCWGE): 

For more information about how Title IX applies to LGBTQI+ students and to athletes, please see those sections of the NCWGE report here and here

Athlete Ally is proud to be a campaign partner for Demand IX, a campaign to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Title IX and to support ongoing efforts for strong Title IX protections and enforcement. Learn more about the campaign here.