New York, NY – As opposition to Georgia’s anti-LGBT legislation continued to grow, it was announced today that Governor Deal would veto the anti-LGBT legislation. During a press conference Deal said of his decision to veto HB 757 was based on “the character of our state and the character of its people”.
This is major victory for the LGBT community in Georgia and for those sports teams, leagues, athletes and fans, who spoke out against the legislation. Many major sports voices rallied against HB 757 and in support of LGBT inclusion. This includes the NFL, MLB, the Atlanta Hawks, the Atlanta Falcons, and the Atlanta Braves.
Hudson Taylor, Athlete Ally Founder and Executive Director, said about the announcement:
“What this announcement shows us is that when business and sports leaders come together to advocate for fairness and inclusion–core values in sports– we all move forward. We demanded better from Georgia and we got it. Athlete Ally will continue to leverage the voices in sports communities to promote LGBT equality on the field, in the stands, and under the law. ”
Jason Collins, Former NBA Player & Former Atlanta Resident, said:
“I’m pleased to hear about Governor Deal’s decision. The veto is very likely to save lives and it certainly saves Georgia’s integrity within its sports community. As a former Georgia resident and Atlanta Hawks player, it’s important for me to know that that Georgia celebrates the diversity and inclusion inherent in sports”
Ashland Johnson, Athlete Ally Director of Policy, added:
“Governor Deal’s announcement is a major step in the right direction for equality in Georgia. But Georgia and many other states still lack statewide LGBT protections. For LGBT athletes, coaches, and fans to be fully protected, we need comprehensive LGBT protections nationwide. The sports community will continue to champion equality in Georgia, and any other state that threatens LGBT equality, until all citizens have full protections”
About Athlete Ally
Athlete Ally is a non-profit organization that educates and empowers the athletic community to take a stand against homophobia and transphobia in sports. Athlete Ally works with MLB, the NBA, WNBA, and NBPA on player development and LGBT inclusion. It also co-wrote the NCAA’s LGBT policies and resource guides and partners with over a hundred professional athletes and college campuses to promote LGBT equality and respect.
To contact Athlete Ally:
Ashland Johnson
Director of Policy & Campaigns
Athlete Ally
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Instagram: @athleteally
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